Our Seasonal Agrometeorological Bulletin

The Seasonal Agromet Bulletin of the Sudan Meteorological Authority provides a comprehensive seasonal analysis of the rainfall patterns and their impact on agriculture across Sudan. Highlighting significant rainfall variability, it reports on areas with high rainfall conducive to vegetation growth and regions experiencing drought conditions. The bulletin assesses the Water Requirement Satisfaction Index (WRSI) for rain-fed crops, indicating agricultural productivity levels. Additionally, it contrasts actual rainfall with forecasts, noting areas where rainfall exceeded or fell below expectations. This crucial information aids in understanding agricultural prospects and planning for resource management amidst Sudan's challenging climate variability.

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June-September 2015


  • Near normal position of ITF during early August associated with high rainfall amount in some south westerly ,south easterly and northern parts of the country, but it was Below its average positions during mid …
June 1, 2015 - Sept. 30, 2015
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