June-September 2015



  • Near normal position of ITF during early August associated with high rainfall amount in some south westerly ,south easterly and northern parts of the country, but it was Below its average positions during mid and late August associated with low rainfall amount in some of middle and south westerly parts of the country. See pages 2, 3.
  • Above average rainfall, amounts registered in August over the Southerly, some of easterly areas, while below average rainfall amounts registered across the central parts of the country. See pages 3,4.
  • Total amounts of rainfall exceeding (200mm) registered in most of Southern Kordofan, middle and south of southern and Western Darfur, southeasterly parts of Gadaref and Sennar, and Blue Nile states. See page 4.
  • Slight vegetation development noticed in south of western and southern Darfur, southern Kordofan and farther easterly parts of Sennar states, also noticed in scattered areas in south and east of Blue Nile, north of southern Darfur and southerly parts of Northern Kordofan states. See page 5.
  • Extended Water requirement satisfaction index calculated to specific rain feed crops. See page 5,6.
  • Forecasts for June-August, rainfall from different sources have become more pessimistic (IRI and ECMWF) consistent, expectations for this period of the rainy season to be on average to below average rainfall. SMA forecast JJAS rainfall to be from average to above average over the westernise. See pages6,7.