About Us
Welcome to the Sudan Meteorological Authority (SMA)
Founded in 1937, the Sudan Meteorological Authority, a vital arm of the Ministry of Irrigation & Water Resources of Sudan, has been at the forefront of meteorological services and research in the region. Originally established under the post and telegraph department, SMA has evolved to become a beacon of excellence and reliability in weather and climate services.

Mission & Vision

Our Mission
“Providing meteorological information and reports in a standard way to ensure the safety of air, sea and land navigation, and providing high-quality warnings to address extreme weather conditions. Provide accurate and timely information to all users and researchers”

Our Vision
“We aspire to be a leading institution in the provision of weather and climate services and a regional center of excellence in the field of research, and to develop the quality of services provided to air, sea and land navigation; contribute to food security; preservation of the environment and the welfare of society.”
Our Organisational Structure
The Organizational Chart of the Sudan Meteorological Authority (SMA) delineates a structured hierarchy starting with the Board of Directors at the apex, overseeing the strategic direction of the agency. Directly under the board is the Director General, who is supported by an Office Executive Manager, a Legal Advisor, and a Public Relations Unit. The core of the organization is divided into five main directorates, each with specialized units:
- Automation & Information Systems
- Financial & Human Resource Directorate
- Planning and Research Directorate
- Climate Information Directorate
- Engineering Directorate
- Observation & Forecast Directorate
This chart exhibits a comprehensive structure aimed at facilitating SMA's mission of delivering accurate meteorological services and research for the safety and welfare of navigation and society.

Our history
The first monitoring station was established in the city of Suakin, on the Red Sea coast.
Wadi Halfa station was opened.
Seven operating stations had been established.
Sixteen stations were established.
Founding of Sudan Meteorological Authority.
Sudan became a full member of the World Meteorological Organization, and meteorology remained affiliated to the Postal and Telegraph Authority.
A decision was issued by the Council of Ministers to establish the Meteorological Authority as an independent authority affiliated to the Ministry of Communications.
The Agency became affiliated to the Ministry of Defence, then to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers as an interest of strategic importance, and to provide its services to many state utilities.
Meteorology witnessed a great development, as the network of stations expanded and was equipped by devices such as electronic observers for monitoring upper atmosphere, weather radar was added, satellite images were received, and a wireless communication network was established to connect remote stations to Khartoum.
Agency was ratified turning it into a public body and defining its terms of reference and responsibilities. It was affiliated with the Ministry of Aviation and Survey, and it moved between several ministries, the latest of which is now the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources.