Our Projects

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Explore Our Projects

Welcome to the Projects Hub of the Sudan Meteorological Authority (SMA), where we spearhead initiatives to advance meteorological science and services. Our projects are more than just ventures; they are our commitment to innovation, sustainability, and community welfare in Sudan and beyond.

Our Projects: A Glimpse into Progress

Each project at SMA is a step towards a deeper understanding and better management of meteorological phenomena. From enhancing climate data collection to implementing advanced forecasting models, our projects cover a broad spectrum aimed at: Strengthening Resilience, Advancing Research, Improving Services, Fostering Partnerships, Empowering Communities. Browse through our ongoing and completed projects to discover how SMA is actively contributing to the safety, prosperity, and well-being of our society. Join us in our mission to harness the power of meteorology for the greater good.

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Showing 6 results
Early Warning and Civil Protection for Floods and Droughts in Sudan

The APIS project “Early Warning and Civil Protection for Floods and Droughts
in Sudan” started in 2022, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and
aimed at improving early warning capacities at the national …

January 2022 Read More
CREWS Ongoing
Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems (CREWS)

The Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems (CREWS) initiative launched the "Greater Horn of Africa: Strengthening early warning and early action systems for meteorological, hydrological, and climate extremes" project, which will be implemented regionally and …

August 2022 - December 2026 Read More
Daraja - Tuti Island

The Sudan Meteorological Authority, in collaboration with the Sudan Urban Development Think Tank (SUDTT) and other partners, is proud to spotlight the DARAJA - Tuti Island Project. This initiative is a response to the compounded …

March 2024 - December 2024 Read More
Enhancing the Resilience of Communities Living in Climate Change Vulnerable Areas of Sudan using Ecosystem based Approaches to Adaptation (EbA)

UNEP, in partnership with the Adapt for Environmental and Climate Resilience Project (ADAPT) project supports the Sudan Meteorological Authority (SMA) to implement the "Enhancing the Resilience of Communities Living in Climate Change Vulnerable Areas of …

December 2017 - June 2023 Read More
Climate Risk Finance for Sustainable and Climate Resilient Rainfed Farming and Pastoral Systems

The Climate Risk Finance for Sustainable and Climate Resilient Rainfed Farming and Pastoral Systems is implemented by the Global Environment Facility in Sudan, to strengthen the weather, climate and hydrological monitoring capabilities, early warning systems …

April 2012 - December 2022 Read More
FISU Complete
Promoting Adaptation to Climate Change by Reducing Weather and Climate-Related Losses through Improved Services in Sudan – FISU

The collaboration between SMA (Sudan Meteorological Authority) and the Finnish Meteorological Institute aims to enhance SMA's capabilities in delivering advanced weather and climate services to various sectors. This includes training SMA staff in modern meteorological …

January 2016 - December 2019 Read More