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التوقع الموسمي للامطار ومتوسط درجات الحرارة للموسم (يونيو - سبتمبر) 2024م

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

وزارة الرّي والموارد المائية

الهيئة العامة للأرصاد الجوية

(SUNCOF1) الملتقى الوطني الأول للمناخ بالسودان

الزمان: 3 يونيو 2024م المكان: فندق كورال- بور تسودان

تحت شعار: الأسلوب المنسق للإنذار المبكر من أجل …

08 Jun 2024 Read More
Sudan Climate Outlook Forum (SUNCOF1): Necessary for Anticipatory Action and Resilience amidst Climate risk, Conflict and Displacement

On June 3, 2024, Port Sudan’s Coral Hotel hosted Sudan Climate Outlook Forum (SUNCOF1), a platform that brought together all key national climate stakeholders across all sectors: decision-makers, climate scientists and users. This provided a …

08 Jun 2024 Read More
Report:Seasonal Rainfall and Temperature Forecast for JJAS 2024

Date: June 3, 2024

Location: Coral Hotel - Port Sudan

Theme: "A Coordinated Early Warning System for Early Action"

1- Introduction

The first Sudan National Climate Forum (SUNCOF1), organized by the Sudan Meteorological Authority (SMA) …

07 Jun 2024 Read More
Record-breaking 47-48°C recorded in River Nile and Northern states

The Sudan Meteorological Authority (SMA) issued a timely 7-day early warning for a severe heatwave, which hit yesterday, affecting River Nile and Northern states. Temperatures skyrocketed to a record-breaking 47-48°C, causing widespread disruptions, water …

05 Jun 2024 Read More
Project update
Project update
Advancing Sudan Meteorological Authority's role in early warning and civil protection for floods and droughts in Sudan

Sudan Meteorological Authority SMA presented the SMA Weather and Climate Services Rescue Plan during a workshop hosted by the IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre ICPAC in Nairobi, Kenya from  6 - 8 May 2024, …

09 May 2024 Read More
Sudan Meteorological Authority, at the Frontline of Climate Action in a Fragile, Violent and Conflict (FVC ) Context


Sudan, a country grappling with internal conflicts, faces a unique challenge in providing essential services like weather and climate information. Despite the political and economic turmoil, the Sudan Meteorological Authority (SMA) recognizes the critical …

23 Mar 2024 Read More