Agromet Bulletin July 2022


  • The fluctuation of the ITCZ around its normal position resulted in inconsistent rains during July-2022.
  • By late July, most parts of the country received average to slightly higher than average rains except small areas east of South Kordufan and across Blue Nile state.
  • During July, the western part of the country experienced better rainfall performance causing wetter than average condition unlike the eastern areas with a normal to moderately drier than normal conditions.
  • The irregular dekadal rainfall distribution during July resulted in the areas of good and low vegetation development to be mixed and sharp deterioration is noticed over most parts of the production areas.
  • Earlier than normal to normal onset dates of the growing season observed across the country except over some areas south east of the country.
  • Long dry spells during July was restricted over the northern parts of the rainfall belt while dry spells not exceeding 6 days spread along the centrals and the southern areas.
  • ICPAC Forecasts Update indicate an increase in the chances of above average rainfall conditions in most parts of Sudan during the period from Aug-Oct 2022.
Total rainfall amounts


  • Significant rainfall in July 2022, particularly in southern Sudan and Kassala state.
  • Highest rainfall recorded in the south of Darfur and Kordofan regions, and east of Gedaref, along with the Blue Nile and Sennar states.
  • Rainfall amounts decrease moving northward, with central areas receiving moderate and northern regions minimal precipitation.
  • Rainfall exceeding 200 mm observed north of Central Darfur and south of Southern Darfur.
  • Moderate rainfall (100-200 mm) across southern White Nile state, Kordofan, Darfur regions, eastern Gedaref and Sennar states, and Blue Nile state.
  • Lowest rainfall, under 100 mm, noted in the northernmost areas.
Total rainfall anomalies


  • Significant rainfall in July across western Sudan, west of Kassala, and east of Khartoum.
  • Eastern Sudan experienced poorer conditions, showing drier than average wetness.
  • Some scattered areas observed slightly drier conditions, contrasting with overall wetter conditions in the west.
  • Darfur, western Kordofan, western Kassala, and eastern Khartoum states were notably wetter than average.
  • Eastern states, particularly the Blue Nile and east of Southern Kordofan, reported poor humidity regime performance, contrasting with the west's wetter conditions.