Advancing Sudan Meteorological Authority's role in early warning and civil protection for floods and droughts in Sudan

Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (APIS) project Workshop report

09 May, 2024 Project update

Sudan Meteorological Authority SMA presented the SMA Weather and Climate Services Rescue Plan during a workshop hosted by the IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre ICPAC in Nairobi, Kenya from  6 - 8 May 2024, Within the framework of National Civil Defence which was led by the National Council of Civil Defense (NCCD), under the Centro Internazionale in Monitoraggio Ambientale (CIMA) Research  Foundation APIS Project.

Group Photo for Workshop Participants in front of ICPAC
Group Photo for Workshop Participants in front of ICPAC

The APIS Project is funded by the AICS Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, Under the supervision and implementation of the CIMA Research  Foundation.

The Director AICS Sudan Office – Mr. Michele Morana
The Director of AICS Sudan Office – Mr. Michele Morana

During the workshop, standing by Sudan and support were endorsed by assisting the SMA in restoring all its services at the local and regional levels.

From left to right . ICPAC Director -Dr Guleid Artan , President CIMA Foundation – Mr. Luca Ferraris, The Director AICS Sudan Office – Mr. Michele Morana,  Director of Disaster Management Operations NCCD Sudan  – General. Gorashi Hussein Abdelgadir Gassim
From left to right. ICPAC Director -Dr Guleid Artan , President CIMA Foundation – Mr. Luca Ferraris, The Director AICS Sudan Office – Mr. Michele Morana, Director of Disaster Management Operations NCCD Sudan – General. Gorashi Hussein Abdelgadir Gassim

The technical workshop organized was under the title: EARLY WARNING and CIVIL PROTECTION FOR FLOODS AND DROUGHTS IN SUDAN, attended by high-level representation from the aforesaid institutions besides the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources (MoIWR), Ministry of Agriculture and Forest (MoA), Humanitarian Affairs Commission (HAC), Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources (HCENR).

Participants during Workshop Proceedings
Participants during Workshop Proceedings

It is worth noting that as part of the APIS project, three experts from SMA will spend six months at ICPAC to contribute their expertise to ongoing projects, which are in line with SMA's Climate Services Rescue Plan. This collaboration involves the joint efforts of NORCAP, CIMA, and ICPAC.

The seconded experts of SMA
The seconded experts of SMA
From left to right. Head of Early Warning - Dr Abuelgasim I. I, Musa, Mrs. Dalal Homoudi, Mr. Mohamed ALSheake

reported by M.ALSHEIKH