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Station Detail

Station Name: MERSHING
gid 42
station al --
Date of Establishment 2020-07-15
date close 2022-06-07
declared r Operational
assessed r Unknown
Station Type Land (fixed)
WIGOS Identifier 0-729-0-62800|primary
wmo region Africa
regional w --
country Sudan
latitude 12.396
longitude 24.978
elevation 450
geopositio --
time zone UTC+2
supervisin Sudan Meteorological Authority
station ur --
other link --
site descr --
climate zo Desert - Hot arid
predominan Sparse (<15%) vegetation(Surface cover types (GlobCover2009))
surface ro --
topography (unknown) at low relative elevation within hills of middle altitude
population --
programs/n GBON:Operational, RBSN - deprecated:Closed
last updated 2023-11-23
last upd_1 Hassan Eisa Suliman